Join The Digital Marketing School

Want to increase your sales from Digital Marketing in 2024?

Would you (or a member of staff who looks after your digital marketing) like to have …

a) A downloadable digital marketing plan that shows you how to increase your sales 

b) Instant access to all our latest Digital Marketing courses so you can learn at your own pace, any time that suits you.

c) A live training course over Zoom each month which cover the main topics in-depth – or watch a replay if you can’t make the session.


If so, our Digital Marketing School is perfect for you

Can people join the Digital Marketing School at any time during the year?

Yes.  People can join at any time during the year and new members join every month.  When someone joins they simply focus on the topics that are of interest to them and their business and they watch the courses at a pace and time that suits them.  One person might want to focus on Instagram but another member might really want to focus on SEO.  Everything they need is on the members’ website and in the monthly Live Zoom sessions.

``It's like a Netflix for Digital Marketing``

Get immediate access to all of our latest Digital Marketing Courses covering these topics including all our latest AI courses covering Chat GPT, Midjourney etc. (You can stream these courses at any time that suits you in any order you want, on any device you want)

Simply click on a training course topic below to see the list of video lessons you can watch

A step-by-step Digital Marketing Plan for your business

AI: How to use Chat GPT to improve your digital marketing

Welcome and what we will cover

Poll – do you use Chat GPT?

Understanding the terminology around AI

  • What are Large Learning Models (LLMS) and what is Generative AI?
  • Examples of how people are using Chat GPT
  • The difference between Chat GPT 3.5 and Chat GPT 4

How to get the best results from Chat GPT using prompts

  • What is Prompt Engineering / Prompt Priming?
  • Effective prompts such as Act As, Summarise, Teach me, Write like me
  • How to setup custom instructions
  • Restrictions and limitations on prompt length and answers

 Step by Step demo of how to use Chat GPT for different aspects of your digital marketing

  • Blog posts – generate topic ideas, headlines, initial drafts of content
  • Video marketing – generate topics and scripts you can work to for Reels / TikTok
  • Social media posts – get ideas for topics and generate post content
  • Social media posts – get ideas and initial drafts of posts
  • Marketing emails – generate email marketing topics, initial drafts and subject lines
  • Website content – generate headlines, call to actions, different options for page text
  • Competitor monitoring – analyse competitors testimonials

How to access Chat GPT on mobile

AI: How to use Chat GPT 4 features- the paid version of Chat GPT - including custom GPTs

What the course covers

  • Welcome and what we will cover
  • You get more up to date information and ability to access the internet
  • You can create Custom GPTs – what are they and and how to create one?
  • You can ask a question by attaching an image
  • You can generate images using Dalle
  • You can attach a file and ask Chat GPT to analyse or summarise it
  • You can access plugins

AI: How to use Google Gemini , Microsoft CoPilot and Claude AI for digital marketing

Welcome and what we will cover

Recap on the main features within Chat GPT – Free and paid versions


How to use Google Gemini

Google’s history in AI and the issues they had with the launch of Gemini

How to access it on desktop & mobile

How to use it. What are the main features compared to Chat GPT?

What do you get in the Pro version and how do you upgrade?

How does the free and paid version compare to Chat GPT for Digital Marketing tasks?

Should you use Gemini or Chat GPT?


How to use Microsoft CoPilot

How to access it on desktop & mobile

What are the main features

How do all the features compare to Chat GPT

Why use this rather than Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is releasing a text to video tool called Sora which looks amazing


What are the other main alternatives you should be aware of?

  • Claude AI – Amazon has invested heavily in this
  • Llama from Meta
  • How to access these using


How do all of these tools compare – side by side comparison of features

Which tool I think you should use and when – depending on your digital marketing task

AI: How to use the main AI tools for Image, video and Voice creation

Welcome and what we will cover

About LLMs , generative AI and where things are headed

Copyright  and AI – what you need to know

Poll – have you used any of these AI tools?


AI Image Generation tools



  • Within Chat GPT plus
  • Within Bing / Co Pilot
  • Within Canva

Canva – text to image magic media tool.



AI Video Generation tools

Canva – Text to video tool

Runway – Text to video tool

Deep nostalgia – Turn an old photo into a video.


AI tools to generate Avatars  – How to create a professional AI presenter that speaks what you type

D- ID – within Canva  – How to create a professional AI presenter / Avatar that speak what you type


AI Voice generation tools

Eleven labs – How to create an AI voiceover that you could use in your marketing videos

Descript – How voice cloning works if you wanted to use your voice in videos in any language

AI for SEO: How to use Chat GPT and Gemini to improve your SEO

0:00 Welcome and what we will cover

4:05 Recap on some SEO fundamentals – what is involved?

17:30  How to get an SEO plan tailored to your business and website

22:34  Keyword research

  • How to use Chat GPT or Gemini for Keyword research

47:01  Tagging and draft content

  • Prompts you can use to write Meta titles and descriptions – an OK way and a much better way.
  • 1:01:44 Prompts you can use to write headlines focused on your main search term.
  • 1:02:58 Prompts you can use to write draft text for sales pages
  • 1:08:24 Prompts you can use to write image alt tags and descriptions

1:17:39 Blog post / Article ideas

  • Generate a list of blog posts / articles based on common questions people ask

1:32:29 Backlinks

  • How to generate ideas for backlinks tailored to your business
  • How to then use an AI tool to drill deeper into each idea.

How to advertise on Facebook & Instagram Level 1

You will be able to watch video lessons on the following topics:

Introduction to Facebook & Instagram ads

The difference between boost post and the Ad creation tool

How to target people geographically

How to target based on demographics

How to target based on behaviours

How to target based on interests

How to target your page followers

How to target by language

How to combine audiences when targeting

How to save an audience

Overview of how retargeting works

How to create a custom audience based on your website visitors

How to add the Facebook pixel to your website

How to select your retargeting audience when running a campaign

What is a lookalike audience?

How to create a Lookalike audience based on your website visitors

How to create a lookalike audience based on your Facebook page followers

How to create a custom audience based on engagement with your Facebook page

How to design eye catching Facebook ads

What you cannot put in an ad

3 ways to use the Facebook ads library for your campaigns

Understand how a campaign is structured

Why it’s best to target warm audiences first

How to watch videos of your website visitors after they click on your ad

How to run the ad campaign from start to finish

How to use Instagram for Marketing

Part 1: How to use Instagram for marketing

Introduction and overview

Poll – What % have switched to a biz or creator Ac

How to setup your profile correctly from a marketing point of view

How to create a second account or practice account

How to switch to a Business or Creator account

How to make a practice account private

How to protect your account from hackers

How to connect to your Facebook business page

Overview of the secondary menu

How Instagram shopping works

Why Instagram Reels are so important

How to create a Reel

Examples of Reels by Irish businesses

How to use Reel templates

How to find examples of relevant Reels

How to search and get found in search results


Part 2:

Welcome and introduction

About the Feed – Like comment share and save

The Algorithm, new feeds and big changes coming

How to post an image, add hashtags, Tag accounts

How to post videos plus changes coming

How to post Carousels and why you should

How to schedule

How to post to Instagram from your PC or laptop

How to create Instagram Stories

How to schedule your Stories

How to create Story highlights

How to get more reach including reach stats

How to check your reach for posts stories & Reels

How collaborator posts work

How to use Instagram Stories for Marketing

What type of marketing tool is Stories? How does it compare to Posts & Reels on Instagram

How does the reach of Stories compare to posts?

How to post images to your story

  • How to post an image that you take when using the app
  • How many Story elements do brands tend to post per day
  • Location tags and hashtags don’t get your story found anymore
  • How to post an image from your camera’s gallery and how to  add Text, Gifs, music, mentions

How to use  Canva to create eye catching images for your Stories

How to post videos to your story

  • How to post videos up to 60 seconds including major pitfall to avoid
  • How to add captions to your videos using the Caption sticker
  • How to post a video longer than 60 seconds to your story (An IGTV video)
  • Editors you can use to create videos for your stories.


How to create videos for your Story

  • How to use the Inshot App to edit a video for your Stories


How to use Polls & Question stickers for more engagement

  • Why these stickers will benefit your marketing
  • How to create a Poll and how do users experience it
  • How to use the Slider sticker and how do users experience it
  • How to create a Quiz and how do users experience it

How to share your posts and Reels to your Story

  • How to share your post to your Story including pitfalls to avoid
  • How to share your Reel to your Story including pitfalls to avoid

How to schedule your Stories using the Business Suite app

What are Story Highlights and how to get the most freom them

  • How to add Stories to your profile as “Highlights”
  • How to design Highlight covers that match your brand

How to interpret Story Insights (Analytics)

  • How to view insights for your current Story
  • What each of the metrics mean and what are the benchmarks you are aiming for
  • How to view insights for your Stories over 1 month to 2 year period

Examples of ways to use Stories for marketing

How to use Instagram Reels for Marketing

Part 1:

  1. Quick initial demo of how to create a Reel
  2. Why businesses are seeing significantly more reach and engagement with Reels
  3. How to find examples of Reels for your industry or by similar businesses to yours
  4. How to ensure you get the full music library
  5. How to save and use music from other Reels that you like
  6. Reels that showcase a product
  7. Reels that showcase a service
  8. Educational Reels from coaches / trainers / consultants
  9. Tourism Reels that showcase a location
  10. Reels that are part of a theme
  11. Behind the scenes Reels
  12. Fun Reels

Demo 1 How to create a Reel that involves just video clips, music and text

  1. How to edit clips within your Reel
  2. How to add text

Demo 2: How to create a Reel by speaking to the camera


Part 2:

  1. Recap on Reels that are simply speaking to camera – and how today’s lessons will make your Reel more interesting than these.
  2. Examples of Reels with voiceover – How to add a voiceover to a Reel (Using the inbuilt tool in Reels)
  3. Examples of Reels with footage – How to overlay footage onto your Reel video in order to make it very impactful –  using Filmora Editor
  4. How to download any Reel to your PC in order to then use the music in a Reel (that you are going to edit in an external editor like Filmora)
  5. Examples of Reels with green screen – How to create a Reel using the inbuilt green screen effect
  6. The best way to share your Reel to your Story
  7. How to get the embed code if you want to put your Reel onto your Website
  8. How to choose a cover  for your Reel – to ensure it works as a square and vertical cover image  (In your notes I have also included slides showing you how to design a cover in Canva)

How to use TikTok for marketing

Step 1: Understand How Tik Tok Works

Welcome and introduction

Poll results – how many of you use Tiktok and also make Reels

An overview of the main areas in the app – The For You Page, Friends, Create, Inbox, Profile

How does a typical person use TikTok?

How does Tik Tok compare to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter when using it as a person?


Step 2: Getting started as a business

How to signup for a TikTok Account

How to edit and brand your profile correctly

Some key settings such as privacy

The difference between personal and business accounts and should you switch?

Can you add a clickable website link to your profile?

How to turn on “Analytics” and why you should do this straight away

How the Algorithm works in the For You Page

How to search and get found

How does Tiktok compare to Facebook and Instagram as a marketing tool


Step 3: Understand what type of videos are created on TikTok

What type of videos do People tend to make

What type of videos do Businesses tend to make


Step 4: How to make and post videos

How to make a video with video clips, music and text

How to make a video with someone speaking to camera


Step 5: How to get more views for your videos

Tactics for getting into the For You Page and getting discovered.


Step 6: Is Tiktok for you? And how could you grow your followers?

How to weigh up whether TikTok is a suitable marketing tool for you

Tips for growing your TikTok followers

How to use Youtube for marketing

0:00 Welcome and what we will cover

4:38   What are the different ways a business can use  YouTube for marketing

  • Use it to host promotional videos or use it to grow an audience and sales


14:52  How to setup your YouTube Channel

  • Essential settings and configurations
  • Branding your channel (profile picture, banner, descriptions, etc.)

25:45  Understand the different areas videos appear on YouTube

  • Landscape videos – Search, recommended for you, recently watched
  • Shorts – search and feed


37:00  Understanding YouTube’s “Algorithm”

  • How YouTube’s search and discovery systems works
  • Importance of watch time, engagement, and relevance


52:28  What type of content could you / should you create?

  • Identifying your target audience and content niche
  • Types of content that work best on YouTube (tutorials, vlogs, product reviews, etc.)


1:14:35  YouTube videos – How to upload your video


1:26:35 Tips for increasing views: More views = more search / recommendation reach = more subscribers = more views etc.

  • Keyword research for YouTube
  • SEO for videos (titles, descriptions, tags)
  • Using thumbnails and closed captions effectively
  • Using polls, cards, and end screens for engagement
  • Cross promoting video email, your website, social media

1:45:44  Shorts –  How to upload shorts

1:53:00  Tips for driving traffic and growing your email list

2:00:00  Analytics and Performance Tracking

20 Ways to grow your Social Media followers

A Christmas Digital marketing plan - how to sell more of your products and services as gifts in the run up to Christmas

• Tips for deciding which “selling events” you are going to target with special offers (Including Black Friday & Christmas)
• How to go about turning your service or product into a “Gift” that can be marketed including pitfalls to avoid.
• SEO – How to optimise your “Gift” or “Special offer” pages to get found in Google and when to do it before it is too late.
• Tips for creating social media posts to promote your “Gifts” and “Special Offers”
• Tips and pitfalls to avoid when Creating Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns to promote your “Gifts” and “special offers”

• A campaign calendar which will make it easy to schedule all of this in advance.

How to Live Stream on Facebook and Instagram

0:00 Welcome

1:23 What we will cover


Some fundamentals to consider

2:25 When could you use Live Streaming for your marketing? Ideas for Live streaming and real examples from Irish businesses

6:25 Have a clear marketing objective before you start

7:00 Pitfalls to avoid

9:40 Poll Question – Have you gone live on Facebook and Instagram?

10:44 Poll Question – What are the main reasons why you haven’t gone live


Live Streaming on Facebook

13: 27 What are the benefits?

14:21 How could you find Live video on Facebook, incluydingf ones to do with your sector

16:26 Be aware that there is a Practice mode when going live


How to Go Live on using your PC

17:55 How to to go live on your PC – step by step including practice mode

30:19 Why you should schedule real Lives  in advance and promote them before hand

31:05 How to use Canva to design your promotional graphics

34:11 How to schedule the Live on your PC

37:13  How to promote the Live using Posts and Stories

43:30  What equipment do you need to live stream from your PC / Mac


How to go Live using Facebook app

46:52 Step by step – How to live stream using  the Facebook app


How to Live Stream on Instagram

54:50   What are the benefits?

57:01 When is the best time to go live on Instagram?

57:35 How to go live including practice mode

1:04:58 How to schedule your Live in advance in order to promote it

1:06:20 How to promote it as a post and Story

1:15:48 What equipment would you need to stream on Instagram?


Can you Live stream on both platforms at once?

1:18:56  Why you can’t stream simultaneously

1:20:45 What some people do as a workaround solution


How to Live stream to Facebook using Zoom

1:22:08 Why would you want to go live using Zoom

1:23:40 How to go live using Zoom

Canva Level 1: How to use Canva to design eye catching marketing graphics

Welcome and overview of what we will cover

Exercise 1:

How to choose a canvas size

How to add your image, logo and text

How to match the text colour to your brand colour

How to add effects to your text


Exercise 2:

How to create a colour background, including how to match to your brand colours

How to graduate the colours in the background (add a gradient)

How to add transparent images to your background

How to add text within a shape or container

How to animate the text, including multiple text blocks


Exercise 3:

How to design a portrait graphic for Stories or IGTV  / Reels covers

How to add pre-formatted / grouped text


 Exercise 4:

How to design a video thumbnail

How to add text into multiple background shapes with various colours

How to add a keyline white border around a person or object


Exercise 5:

How to add graphics / illustrations – including animated graphics

How to add multiple pages to your design in order to create a video


Exercise 6:

What are frames

How to add images to frames

How to animate the images and text in order to make a video


Exercise 7:

How to add a landscape or portrait video to a frame


Exercise 8:

How to add a video to a square or portrait canvas

How to add text that appears above and below the video throughout.

Canva Level 2: More advanced tips and techniques

Welcome and what we will cover

How to send your design to your phone by taking a pic of it

How to add QR codes to your designs to drive people to your site, videos, Google reviews etc.

How to customize your QR codes by putting your logo in the middle of them


Editing images – extra tips and tricks

How to use the colour picker to match text or shape colours to your image

How to blur the background on your image

How to touch up people’s faces

How to turn your image into a painting

How to add your image to a PC screen or mobile phone using smart mockups


Text – extra tips and tricks

How to turn your text into a circle

How to make your text appear sideways


Shapes – extra tips and tricks

You can add text directly to a shape

How to easily swap out shapes to see which one is best

How to round the corners of a shape


How to find extra frames

How to favourite templates and then find your favourites

How to remove the background from a video

How to use Canva’s video and audio library in order to have videos as a background in social media 

How to place text behind a person or object in your image

Canva Level 3: How to use all the latest AI features in Canva

Welcome and what we will cover

Poll – Do you use Canva?

Poll – Do you have the Pro or Free version of Canva?


Canva’s AI features

Magic design for images – upload an image and it will auto populate templates

Magic design for videos – Upload 3+ videos / images and Canva will generate a video

Magic grab – isolate and move anything within an image

Magic media – Text to image generator

Magic Media – Text to video generator

Grab text – isolate and manipulate any text that is in an image

Magic expand – ask Canva to recreate parts of an image to make it wider or taller

Magic edit – Highlight part of an image and type what you want to replace it with

Magic eraser – Highlight people or objects in an image and it will erase it

Magic write – generate initial drafts of text and alternative copy options

Magic morph – use AI to turn graphic and text elements into something more eye catching

Magic switch – an upgrade to the resize feature for Pro users


Other new features

How to easily upload images / videos from your phone

How to use the new Canva Assistant

How to use the new Modal image editor

How to use the new colour gradient tool

How to use the photo outline feature

How to use the new layers feature

Overview of the new Apps area and what you need to know about apps

  • Demo of the new Mockups app
  • Demo of the translate app
  • Demo of Instagram app

Canva Video editing - How to edit marketing videos using Canva

Welcome and what we will cover

2 ways to create a video in Canva and when you should use each

What resources can you put in your videos and where you find them in Canva?

Demo 1 – A video using 1 clip, add text, music  and your logo

This demo shows you all the main video editing options. Watch this demo if  you are new to Canva video editing.

Demo 2 – A video made up of multiple clips,  add  text, music and graphics / effects

This demo shows you some additional techniques and workarounds

Demo 3 – A video where someone is speaking and you want to add footage, music, text

Reasons to use Canva to edit videos rather than Filmora or Inshot

Areas where Canva is not as good as Filmora or Inshot

How to record your screen using Canva

How to shoot and edit your own marketing videos

You will be able to watch video lessons on the following topics:

How a lapel microphone will improve your videos

How a directional microphone is alternative

Demonstration of a tripod and tripod adjuster mount

Demonstration of a Ring light

Tips for making a company promo video by interviewing staff

Tips for making a company promo video using a voice over

Tips for making a testimonial video

Tips for making a “How To” video

Tips for making a product video

How to get used speaking directly to camera

How to get your logo animated to use in your videos

Where to get free stock videos

Where to get high quality stock music

How to transfer videos from your phone to your PC


Video ediitng courses:

1) How to edit a marketing video using Filmora on your PC  / Mac

*How to add music, text, footage, transitions, your logo)

*5 different video editing exervices and you can download the files used in the demos so you can practice editing


How to edit videos on your phone using Capcut App

You will be able to watch video lessons on the following topics:


Welcome and what we will cover

Polls – Have you previously attended a video editing course & have you used Capcut

About the app

  • How to get it? How does it compare to Inshot?
  • What is the difference between the free and Pro version?

Overview of the main navigation

  • Where to find all the main features in the start screen
  • How to get started editing a video
  • Overview of the menu in the editor

Demo 1 : How to edit a video (multiple clips plus voiceover)

  • How to add multiple video clips and cut out the parts you don’t want
  • Remove the Capcut logo at the end
  • Adjust the volume in the video clips
  • Add a voiceover
  • How to add music – overview of all the main music options
  • How to export the final video

Demo 2: How to edit a video where someone is speaking to camera

  • How to cut out parts of the clip where someone is speaking
  • How to overlay footage
  • How to add music and adjust the volume


Extra features that will improve your videos

How to change a portrait video (9:16)  to landscape (16:9) – including “autoframe”

How to permanently remove the capcut logo

How to add text and very eye catching text using text templates

How to add a sound effect when your text appears / disappears

How to add captions using very eye catching effects

How to add bilingual captions

How to add transitions between clips

How to have captions appear only in parts of your video

You can overlay their free stock videos as footage on your video

How to add  some zoom using keyframes

How to add jumpcuts to your video

You can draw on your video (to circle or point to something)

You can remove the background of your video

You can retouch (improve the look) of  the person  speaking

You can add effects to the person speaking

How to create a free  Brand Kit that you can use

Try video templates

Try the free teleprompter

Try video montage

How to edit videos on your phone using Inshot app

You will be able to watch video lessons on the following topics:


0:00 Welcome and overview of what we will cover

About the app

3:05  How to get it? How much does it cost?


Demo 1: Overview of the main features of the app

How to get started editing a video

Canvas – this allows you to change the shape of your video to square, vertical (9-16) or landscape (16-9)

Music – this allows you to add music to your video. Choose from one of their tracks, music on your phone or extract a track from a video on your phone

Stickers – you can add stickers or gifts to your video

Text – add text, choose the font, colour and animation

Filter – add filters or effects like Zoom, Fireworks or Snow

PIP – this is very important as it allows you to overlay a video or image as footage

Precut – allows you to cut out parts of your clip in different ways eg. Drag sliders from the start and end or split where you have paused

Split – tap this if you want to cut the clip exactly where you have paused

Delete – tap to delete something you have selected eg. A clip, music, effect, text etc

Backgrounds – you can have the video appear on a background and you can choose a colour, or image or a blurred background

Speed – make the video clip run faster or in slow motion

Crop – crop out something in your video or crop into the video in order to give the impression you are using an extra camera

Volume – adjust the volume in the video clip

Voice effect – change the voice in the video to some fun effects

Replace – replace the clip you select with a different one from your phone

Duplicate – you can duplicate the selected clip or image

Reverse – you can have you video clip play in reverse

Rotate – if your clipappears upside down or sideways you can rotate it to fix it

Flip – you can have the person in the video facing the opposite way

Freeze – tap this if you want to take a photo of the part of the video. You can then use the photo in your video.


Demo 2: How to edit a portrait video (Not too complicated video)

How to edit a portrait video overlaying video footage, adding music, text and crops


Demo 3: How to edit a landscape video (A m0re complicated video)

How to edit a landscape  video overlaying video footage, adding music, text and crops and slow motion in the footage


How to download a Reel from Instagram and extract the music to use in Inshot

How to use your marketing videos across social media

Step 1: Decide on whether your videos should be landscape, portrait or square.

  • Why did you create the video?
  • If for social media, which is your most important social network?

Step 2: Share your video on the main social networks

Decide whether you want to use your phone or desktop because lots of things differ depending on which you choose

How to share your video on Instagram

  • How to share your video as an Instagram Reel
  • How to share your video as a post
  • How to share your video to your Instagram story

How to post your video on Facebook

How to post your video on Twitter.

How to post your video on LinkedIn

How to get a new website on a budget

You will be able to watch video lessons on the following topics:

1. How to buy a domain name for your site
2. Pitfalls to avoid when registering a domain name
3. What is hosting and how to choose a hosting package
4. Pitfalls you should try to avoid regarding hosting
5. What are the main types of website and which suits your needs
6. Option 1: Find a local web designer
7. Option 2: Buy a WordPress theme
8. Three ways to find a WordPresss theme for your business
9. How to get your website theme updated with your content
10. Option 3: Sites that make it easy to build your own website
11. Which option should you choose.

How to turn your website traffic into more enquiries and sales

You will be able to watch video lessons on the following topics:

An overview of how to generate more enquiries and sales

What is Google Analytics

How to signup for Google analytics

How to setup ecommerce tracking

How to setup bot filtering

Ensure you have an SSL cert so visitors are not scared off

How to check how quickly your page loads

How to watch videos of your website visitors browsing your site (2 videos)

How you can tell how far down your page visitors are scrolling

How to tell what people are clicking on in your pages

Why should your web visitors choose you?

How to highlight key features and benefits of your products

How to make your own product video

How to make your own testimonial videos

How to embed Facebook reviews on your website

Why you need Call To Action buttons

How to integrate Facebook messenger on your website to generate enquiries

How to check the conversion rate on your site

How to check how many sales we generated on the site last week / month

How to check where your sales are coming from eg Search or social media

Google Ads - How to advertise in Google search results

You will be able to watch video lessons on the following topics:

Welcome & what we will cover


1) Understanding Google Ads

Introduction to Google Ads – The basics of how Google Search ads work


2)  Plan your campaign

Understand how Google Ad campaigns are structured

Understand how Google chooses the best ads – Quality score

Now – Plan out your campaign , Adgroups and keywords for each campaign

Research and choose the keywords you are targeting using Keyword Planner Tool


3) Setup your account and create your first campaign on the search network

Create your account – and how to bypass Google forcing you to create a campaign straight away.

Set up your billing details

Step 1: Create your first campaign & adgroup –

Step 2: Add campaign settings (Location, Language, Bidding type)

Step 3: Add your keywords and Choose your Match type

Step 4: Write Up to 15 headlines for your ads

Step 5: Write up to 4 descriptions for your ads

Step 6: Add extensions eg. Sitelinks and Call Outs

Step 7: Set your daily budget and publish your campaign



4) Managing your campaign

Make a copy of an adgroup to quickly add more to your campaign

Add negative keywords

Monitor your campaign performance

Recap – What are the main pitfalls to avoid

How to get Google’s €400 credit to run ad campaigns

SEO - How to get your site found high up in Google search results

You will be able to watch video lessons on the following topics:

An overview of SEO – how it works

How to go about doing keyword research

How to do Keyword research using Google Suggest

How to do Keyword research by looking at competitors websites

How to do keyword research  using Keyword Planner tool

How to do keyword research  using Answer the Public

How to choose a final list of Keywords / search terms

Overview of onsite optimisation

How to create a meta titles and description working document

How to update your page meta titles in wordpress

How to update a page meta description

How to tag your images

Overview of technical optimisation of your website

How to test whether Google sees your site as mobile friendly

Why you should add internal links

Why you should ensure there is no canonicalisation

How to check your page load speed

Why you need an SSL cert

How to verify your site with Google search console

How to check the domain authority of your site (and competitors)

Why backlinks are important

How to quickly check where you appear on Google for lots of search terms

How to check how much traffic your getting from search engines

How to check how many sales you are getting from search traffic


How to get your Google business profile found in the top 3 local map results

You will be able to watch video lessons on the following topics:

Why you need a Google My Business profile

What does Google look for in a profile?

How to check if there is already a Google My Business profile for your business

How to create a profile

How to fill in your business and contact details correctly

How to fill in details of your services and business

How to upload photos and videos to your listing

How to generate a link to the reviews section of your listing

How to market your business internationally to customers who live abroad

Why this course is suitable for businesses ranging from Estate agents, Taxi companies and Hotels to ecommerce websites and yoga instructors


Part 1: Decide what countries you are targeting

Why you should prioritise the countries that you want to target

How to use Google Analytics to see how you are currently doing for each of those countries in terms of traffic, engagement and sales


Part 2: How do you get your site found high up in free organic search results in another country

Why Google has a search engine in every country and why it has assigned your site to a country

How to check where you appear in for important search terms

How to check where you appear in the main countries your have prioritized and why you are probably not doing as well

How to translate your main search terms into German or French in order to check where you appear in search results

Option 1 – Why getting a country specific domain has become a good option

Option 2- Why having subdirectory sites was a better option but now is trickier

Why businesses providing an Irish based product might only need 1 website

Why businesses selling products in other countries usually need extra sites plus examples

How to verify your site in Search console and geographically target your site

Google is discontinuing the geographic  targeting in September so what do you do now?


Part 3: Ensure your website is setup correctly to engage and convert the traffic

Consider language and translation requirement

Consider local telephone numbers and how to get them

Consider local currency

Consider international VAT implications


Part 4: Push traffic into your site through social media

How does translation work for posts and ads

How do video captions work for foreign languages

How to target Facebook and Instagram ads for foreign markets


Part 5: Also assess whether there are 3rd party platforms you can sell on

How to use Google Analytics 4 to analyse your digital marketing

What is in the complete Google Analytics 4 course?


Welcome & what we will cover

Why you should have Google Analytics on your website in order to understand what is working / not working in your digital marketing

What is Google Analytics 4?

What is different about Google Analytics 4


Using Google Analytics

How to access the demo account that I am using in this course

Overview of the main Navigation in GA4

How to get answers to these key questions in GA4

  • How many people visited my website in the last week or month?
  • How engaged are my website visitors?
  • How engaged is my traffic from search versus Social Media?
  • How much do visitors engage with each page?
  • What is my engagement rate?
  • What is the age and gender of my website visitors?
  • Where geographically are my visitors from – and how engaged are they from each country?
  • What languages do my visitors speak?
  • Are my website visitors using a PC or Mobile?
  • What % of our mobile visitors use an iPhone or Android – this impacts your Facebook ads
  • How are my visitors getting to the site? e.g. Search, Social Media
  • Which pages are viewed the most?
  • Which pages are people landing on the most?
  • What is involved in tracking ecommerce sales in GA4?
  • How much sales revenue did we get last week or month?
  • How many sales came from search or social media traffic?
  • Which countries are my sales coming from?

How to use the Explore section to find more detailed breakdowns eg. A detailed  breakdown of traffic engagement and sales from each social media  channel.

How to see what is currently happening on your website – Real Time report

How to setup your GA4 account

  • A helicopter view of how Google Analytics is structured
  • If you already have a GA account how do you switch over to GA4?
  • If you are new to GA, how to setup a new GA4 account
  • Overview of your Admin section
  • How to filter out internal traffic from your staff working at home or office
  • How to have your data stored for longer in GA4
  • How to adjust the time length for an engaged user

How to use Email for marketing your products and services

Welcome and what we will cover

Understand where email fits within your digital marketing plan


You need to use an email marketing service

Overview of the main options

Typical features that you need

The service I recommend – Mailer Lite

How to signup for a Mailer Lite account


How to grow your Prospect email  list

What you need to know about GDPR and email marketing

How to entice website visitors to leave their email addresses – 5 tactics

How to entice your social media followers to provide their email addresses – 4 tactics

How to entice Cold prospects who see your ads to leave their email addresses – 3 tactics


Tips on how to grow your customer email list


What types of email marketing campaigns could you run for prospects and customers


Best practice tips & checklist for running email marketing campaigns

Tips for increasing the deliverability of your email

Tips for increasing open rate and Click through rate

Tips for decreasing unsubscribe and spam complaint rate

Measuring your campaigns and metrics you should be aware of

Plus! Attend monthly Live Digital Marketing courses delivered by Evan using Zoom


Evan Mangan

Each month you can attend a live digital marketing training session which will be delivered using Zoom so you can attend from the comfort of your home or office. These sessions will go indepth for 90 minutes into topics that Evan gets asked about a lot  and during the live session you can ask Evan questions you might have about the topic.

If you have attended any of Evan’s online courses that he delivers using Zoom on behalf of Local Enterprise Offices and other organisations it will be very similar with lots of questions and discussion.

Each online training session will last 90 minutes and it will be recorded so if you cannot attend live you can rewatch at a time that suits you.

Dates For Your Diary - Upcoming Live Zoom Training Courses for members


Each month there is one live Zoom course for members but some months we add extra courses to ensure members always have the most up to date content.   If members cannot attend these courses live, they can watch a replay at any time that suits them. New members can also watch recordings from Live Zooms going back 12 months


These courses start at 10AM and typically run for 90 mins. For bigger topics it can be 120 minutes



June 26th, 2024

How to advertise on Instagram

July 31st, 2024

How to use LinkedIn for marketing

August 28th, 2024
How to generate more enquires and sales from your website

September 25th, 2024
How to track sales and enquiries from your Facebook & Instagram ads

October 30th, 2024

How to use Digital Marketing to market your business locally around your town or county

November 27th, 2024

How to edit your marketing videos using the desktop version of  Capcut video editor (Free) 

December 11th  2024

Canva – Overview of all the latest features

January 29th, 2025

A digital marketing plan for your business in 2025

February 26th, 2025

SEO in 2025 – How to get found high up in Google search results

March 26th  2025

How to use Ai for your social media marketing

April 30th, 2025

How to create Instagram Reels for marketing in 2025

May 28th  2025

Facebook and Instagram Ads – how to create Carousel and Instant experience Ads that get attention

 June 25th  2025

Video marketing: Affordable high quality  equipment to make professional looking marketing videos

July 30th 2025

Planning a new website or a website redesign? What you need to know


Please note: This schedule will be reviewed every few months. It is possible that we will add a new topic that we think should be covered sooner for members and therefore some topics might get moved forward or backwards in the schedule.

Try Before You Buy - You can attend a live Zoom course each month and you can watch a replay of all previous courses. Watch 2 examples from recent Monthly Live Zoom courses

Try Before You Buy - One of the benefits of the Digital Marketing School is that you can download very detailed notes for each course in order to refer back to them when implementing your marketing. View an example below from a Live Zoom course

Please note: Most courses on the members website have on average 60 pages of step by step slides that you can download. In total there are over 1,000 pages of step by step notes across all courses. No need to print these out. Simply download them and go to the section you would like to refresh your memory.


Join Now And Get Immediate Access

Members can easily cancel their annual  membership at any time if they do not want to renew it 

Members get 12 months access to a members only website which contains  a Digital Marketing Plan, more than 20 of our latest digital marketing courses which you can stream at any time  and can attend a monthly live training course over Zoom with Evan (for 12 months)



You can join risk free with our 7 day money back guarantee

You can join risk free. If within 7 days you think it wasn’t what you expected or that it won’t be useful for your business we will give you a no quibble refund. Simply email us to let us know and we will issue a refund.

Wondering if joining the School will improve your Digital Marketing? Click here to read what our members say

Try Before You Buy - Watch some examples of lessons that are on the members website

The Digital Marketing School is suitable for ...

  • Anyone who would like a digital marketing plan for their business and step by step instructions on ``How To`` implement it

  • Business owners who want to ensure their digital marketing is in good shape heading into a slowing economy.

  • Anyone who has previously attended one of Evan's digital marketing courses and would like the latest versions - you can watch the video lessons and learn at your own pace.

  • Anyone who wants to keep up with the latest Digital Marketing tactics by attending Evan's LIVE monthly courses using Zoom

  • Anyone who wants to learn digital marketing at their own pace at a time that suits them

  • If you have a colleague or employee who is doing the social media marketing but needs to be trained on how to do it well.

100% Risk FREE - you have nothing to lose

Money Back Guarantee

You can join the Digital Marketing School  ‘Risk free’.  We know you’ll find the action plans, video lessons and ongoing digital marketing updates  very beneficial but we want you to have peace of mind when ordering it.  If, within 7 days of purchase you think the  Digital Marketing School  isn’t useful for you just let us know and we will give you a no quibble refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I get in the Digital Marketing School?

You will be able to login to a members only website where you can access

  1. A digital marketing plan that you can implement for your business. This will be explained in a video and a printable document.
  2. Over 25 of our latest Digital Marketing courses which you can watch at a pace that suits when you need it. (Over 40 hours of on demand lessons)
  3. You can download detailed notes for each training course (Typically 35 – 70 pages per course)
  4. Join Evan on a live Zoom training course each month which will cover very popular topics in detail (Minimum of 12 courses a year)

Why is it an annual membership?

When you sign up you receive 12 months access to our members only website.

The school is designed to provide you with detailed courses that you can watch at your own pace covering a wide range of Digital Marketing topics plus monthly live training courses via Zoom. However, the nature of digital marketing is that things are constantly changing and we will be keeping the content up to date. This means that a lot of the content that will be on the site in 6-9 months time will be quite different to what you see when you initially join.  An annual membership gives you ongoing access to this content.

You do not have to renew your annual membership. If you do not wish to renew simply let us know.

Can I cancel my membership?

Yes – if you do not wish to renew your membership you can easily cancel it. When a member logs into the membership site there are details within the Your Account section explaining how you can cancel. When a member cancels the membership will expire at the end of the 12 month period.

Can I get my money back if it wasn't useful?

Yes. We offer a no quibble money back guarantee.

You can join the Digital Marketing School  ‘Risk free’.  We know you’ll find the online courses and ongoing digital marketing updates  very beneficial but we want you to have peace of mind when ordering it.  If, within 7 days of purchase you think the  Digital Marketing School  isn’t useful for you just let us know and we will give you a no quibble refund.

What happens after I order this?

When you click the “join” button and then order the service using your credit or debit card, the next steps are;

  • Within a few minutes you will receive an email with your login details
  • You will then have access to all of the content in the “members only” Digital Marketing School website.
  • You will also start receiving  emails each month about upcoming courses for members plus updates on recent changes in Digital Marketing that could impact you.

Can I pay by credit card?

Yes. You can pay securely using Visa or Mastercard through  Stripe.

Join Now And Get Immediate Access

Members can easily cancel their annual  membership at any time if they do not want to renew it 

Members get 12 months access to a members only website which contains  a Digital Marketing Plan, more than 20 of our latest digital marketing courses which you can stream at any time  and can attend a monthly live training course over Zoom with Evan (for 12 months)



You can join risk free with our 7 day money back guarantee

You can join risk free. If within 7 days you think it wasn’t what you expected or that it won’t be useful for your business we will give you a no quibble refund. Simply email us to let us know and we will issue a refund.

Wondering if joining the School will improve your Digital Marketing? Click here to read what our members say

About Evan Mangan

Eva Mangan - The Marketing Crowd

Evan Mangan

You will receive expert training from Evan Mangan. Over 20,000 Irish businesses have attended Digital Marketing workshops delivered by Evan and  these workshops have received over 200 Five Star reviews on Facebook 
He currently delivers Digital Marketing training courses on behalf of 11 Local Enterprise Offices in Ireland. These include: Local Enterprise Office Kerry, Limerick, South Cork, Clare, North Cork, Galway, Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow, Offaly, Westmeath, Longford and Sligo.
Evan gained a Master’s Degree in Business Studies (1st Class Hons) from UCD and prior to setting up The Marketing Crowd, he spent 15 years in London where he was Head of European Marketing for Yahoo! Mobile, Head of Customer and New Media marketing at Orange and Head of Direct Marketing at BT. He has extensive experience of digital marketing across web and mobile covering the Irish, UK and European markets.
He is registered with The Teaching Council – Route 3 – Further Education and has also been a guest lecturer at IT Tralee.

If you haven't attended one of Evan's Digital Marketing Courses here's what participants have said about the standard of training ...

Join Now And Get Immediate Access

Members can easily cancel their annual  membership at any time if they do not want to renew it 

Members get 12 months access to a members only website which contains  a Digital Marketing Plan, more than 20 of our latest digital marketing courses which you can stream at any time  and can attend a monthly live training course over Zoom with Evan (for 12 months)



You can join risk free with our 7 day money back guarantee

You can join risk free. If within 7 days you think it wasn’t what you expected or that it won’t be useful for your business we will give you a no quibble refund. Simply email us to let us know and we will issue a refund.

Wondering if joining the School will improve your Digital Marketing? Click here to read what our members say

Wondering if joining the School will improve your Digital Marketing? Click here to read what our members say