2 Ways to integrate Facebook Messenger into your website

Would you like to generate more enquiries from your website by making it easy for your website visitors to message your business using Facebook messenger? If a visitor on your website has a query about your product they might not want to phone or email you – they might just want a quick answer to a question. Prompting them to message you is a great way to generate enquiries for your products or services. There are two main ways you can do this on your website.

  1. The first option is perfect if you have a wordpress site. Simply install a plugin called FB Messenger Live Chat (made by Zotabox) and you will have a nifty little Chat icon in the bottom right of your web pages. When someone clicks on the chat icon it opens a Facebook messenger dialogue box on your web page. Very simple to setup and it’s free. You can see an example on our homepage here https://themarketingcrowd.ie
  2. The second option will work if you don’t have a wordpress site or you want to use FB messenger as a call to action button on a web page. For example, on the webpage I have linked to below I created a call to action button using Befunky.com image editor and then added a link to the image in the website editor. The button says “Got a question? Message us on Facebook” . When someone clicks that button it opens up Facebook Messenger on their PC or Phone and they can immediately message The Marketing Crowd (You can see it in action using this link) https://themarketingcrowd.ie/1-1-training-on-a-topic-of-your-choice/


If you want to add  a FB messenger link to your website the link is fb.com/msg/yourpageusername  . NOTE you need to add YOUR username to the link!  To get your FB page username go to your Facebook page and you will see an @username under your page name.


October 29, 2020